📄 Page Created March 15, 2022

📆 Last Updated April 6, 2022

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This database page lists all companies that have taken the decision to pull out of their business operations in Russia, with details of impacts (where available) particularly on the current Employees in Russia and Belarus. There is another database online developed by Yale University which lists today more than 400 companies, however it is missing some details. Also Reuters maintains a good database. The Good Lobby and Progressive Shopper are also tracking this through the Ukrainian Corporate Index, where also companies that have decided to not stop operations are portrayed. Also RBList is constantly updated.

Companies Suspending Business in Russia: Summary View

Notes on the Database

Database Download

Note: Employees Numbers are often estimated. Source of the estimate is provided (sometime I have been using LinkedIn to provide an estimate). Please help out by adding any suggestion via comment to this page or via email. There are different Views available. It is also possible to download the database as a csv file Database Download (note the export file is updated once a day, so potentially might not include all of the data).

